(61) 404833924 robertacarolyn@icloud.com

Blackcombe Time Traveller (AI)


Scarlett - Blackcombe Time Traveller (AI)

Scarlett is bred by Roberta Crouch and co-owned by Prof. Roberta Crouch and Necia Pascale. Scarlett has already had a most successful Show career, with highlights including Best of Breed and Group 4 at the Winter International at just 13 months of age. She has won multiple Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show awards, exhibiting correct Rottweiler type and temperament.

Scarlett - Blackcombe Time Traveller (AI)
Scarlett - Blackcombe Time Traveller (AI)

To read more about Scarlett,
open the links below.

Pedigree     Hips & Elbows

DNA Profile