norwegian buhunds

My start in Buhunds
I’m Professor Roberta Crouch and I’m very excited to be breeding and importing quality Norwegian Buhunds here in Adelaide, Australia.
Many thanks to close friends and mentors Katherine and Terje Lindstrom of Kimura Rottweilers and Buhunds in Norway for agreeing to export some of their lovely dogs to me. This breed is an absolute delight!
I became interested in the breed some years ago when visiting Katherine and Terje to see their equally beautiful rottweilers. There I met (among others) the stunning Kimura’s Leonora (pictured with me in Norway at Kimura Kennels in 2014) – from there I was hooked! I have Norwegian Champion Rennedal’s Brynhild Skjolmoy (Imp Norway) with me now in Australia. I purchased her when I was living in France and she and my Rottweiler ‘Chill’ (Am & Aust Ch Tonopah Low von Boylan CD – Imp USA) quickly bonded and they are now inseparable. As you can see in the pic to the right, all three of us enjoyed the French countryside prior to us all coming home to Australia. Brynhild was recently joined early in 2018 by Kimura’s Britt and Kimura’s Bjorn. In partnership with good friend Anna-Lee Forsberg (in NSW) I also own Brynhild’s young son ‘ Floki”, that I also co-bred.
I am also a specialist judge for Rottweilers and have been involved in that breed for over 30 years. I am an FCI listed judge and licensed for Utility, Working and Gun Dog groups and have judged in Australia, England, Finland, the USA and New Zealand
I’m planning my next litter of Buhunds for the end of this year when Kimura’s Bjorn will be mated to Brynhild. Exciting times ahead! For details please see our ‘Puppies’ page.
Blackcombe Buhunds on Social Media
You can also follow us on Facebook to stay tuned with the B/NB family day-to-day events, happy snaps and show results.
Cheers Roberta
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Contact Blackcombe
I’d love to hear from you.
Professor Roberta Crouch, Adelaide South Australia, Australia Phone: (61) 404833924